whānau ora kaiarahi ki katikati
Jesse Samuels
Jesse works with whanau to assist them to reach their vision of whānau wellbeing by supporting whānau to achieve their aspirational goals.
The aim of the Whānau Ora Kaiarahi is to ensure that whānau receive the services they need but more importantly to enable, empower and encourage whānau to assess their current position and decide their future goals.
Planning for future success starts with the whānau, the progress of each whānau is determined by their aspirations and their actions to meet their goals.
This can be through a range of supports such as:
- Facilitated hui with whānau
- Create a plan and steps to achieve the desired outcome
- Accessing resources
- Referring to the right services whether it is for health, education or other needs
- Advocacy – MSD, OT, ACC, IRD or any other government agency
- Support systems to compliment Tinana, Hinengaro, Wairua and whānau through the Tūāpapa model of care (an indigenous system of care) that is based on the fundamental concepts of pono, tika and aroha.
These concepts are the means of which mana is demonstrated, enhanced or restored.