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Tamariki/Rangatahi Mentor

Sandra Coley

The rangatahai/tamariki mentor role is a holistic community based kaupapa Māori service for tamariki and rangatahi up to 18 years old and their whānau. This service is free and available to anyone.

Referrals to this service can come directly from whānau or from the SENCO from any of our local schools. 

The rangatahi/tamariki mentor role is a non-clinical service which provides support, education, and advocacy to tamariki and rangatahi who have, or may be experiencing problems.

These problems may be personal, whānau based or environmental and they may lead to behavioural problems at school or within the community.

The service is youth led and focused, it takes place anywhere the tamaiti and their whānau feel most comfortable.

This service helps tamariki/rangatahi to develop strategies, recognise behavioural patterns and develop goals to navigate life’s speed bumps and build resiliency.

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