Services Provided
whānau services
We provide a wide range of services to support our service users to attain Health & Well Being. We want to ensure that whānau and all individuals, parent, caregivers are better able to manage their personal affairs thereby leading to overall improved interaction and confidence to determine their own destines. They include:
Whānau Services
- Adult Mental Health
- Whānau Ora Kaiarahi ki Katikati
- Whānau Ora Kaiarahi ki Otawhiwhi
- Whānau Kai Whakatau
- Whānau Tautoko
- Kahu Taurima Māmā & Pepi Awhi
- Kuia Kaumātua Programme: Te Roopu Whakatipu Korero
- Telehealth Doctors Service
- HBU Mobile Health Waka
- Financial Mentoring
Rangatahi/Tamariki Services
- CAYMHS (Child, Adolescent, Youth Mental Health Service)
- Rangatahi/tamariki Mentor
- Rangatahi Support Service
All our services are delivered through Tūāpapa, an indigenous system of care based on the fundamental concepts of:
PONO - truth, honesty, genuine, sincere and real
TIKA - right, correct, just, fair, accurate and appropriate
AROHA - love, affection, caring, compassion, empathy, kindness, sympathy or joy
These are the means of which mana is demonstrated, enhanced and or restored.
These services are available to any New Zealand resident or resides between Waihi Beach and Whakamarama.