whānau tautoko
Noelene Te Whakaara
First and foremost, I am here to help, despite the level of difficulty that you may be facing.
If I cannot help you, I will find someone who can.
Whānau Tautoko (support) is a c community-based service that provides support, education, information and advocacy to the whānau.
This service creates an environment that is safe, and empowering and nurtures growth and confidence in the whānau to be able to handle the pressures that our lives can deliver.
Whānau Tautoko helps whānau who are finding it difficult to navigate through government organisations, support in completing forms, completing applications, uploading data onto online forums such as MSD online, MYIR and help with seeking employment opportunities or house hunting.
My role is connecting you to our community and the organisation's that are within our community through positive engagement.
We want our families and whānau to have great engagement experiences in every forum that they choose. I am guided by the principles of Tika, Pono and Aroha which is reflected throughout our organization.
Let us walk alongside you to help you achieve success for you and your whānau.